A tasty meal that can be prepped a few days ahead of time, so you can throw it all together for a fast 5-minute lunch. For a cheaper, fresher version,...
You'll love the intense flavor of Asian ingredients that infuses this oh-so-easy salmon dish. And, the salmon is prepared in a steamer so it's healthy...
This treat was born out of ready-to-be-used leftovers and my desire to create something new and fun for our 6-year-old to have for lunch. This is now one...
Chicken is slow-cooked in two sauces, then shredded. Served on rolls with your favorite hot sauce, sour cream, and shredded cheese. YUM! Use your favorite...
I was looking for a recipe for Mexican catfish and wasn't able to find exactly what I wanted, so I made my own version. I wasn't sure what it would end...
One pan. Great spice. People will beg for the recipe. I swear by this and I'm not even a vegetarian. Substitute your favorite cheese for the queso fresco...
I love tilapia fish tacos and am always searching for that perfect fish taco. This recipe is my culmination of all of my favorite elements found in all...
This is typical traditional Goan fish curry preparation. You can make this with any fleshy fish that will not disintegrate into the curry. Serve curry...
I love this recipe that my Aunt Rita makes! It's easy and very soul warming. It goes well over rice, egg noodles, pasta, mashed potatoes, or by itself...
My picky-non-vegetable-eater husband loves this easy Mexican casserole. There's very little clean-up, it costs less than $10 to make, and the leftovers...
If your planning a toga party or just want a taste of ancient Rome, this is an authentic version of an ancient Roman cheese cake. Its pretty different...
This is a traditional Norwegian goodie made with a Krumkake iron on top of the stove, then rolled around a cylinder (broomstick in the old days) until...
The flavor and texture of mango goes well with black beans and Cheddar cheese in this easy main dish. The recipe uses vegetarian chicken substitute, but...
This is a very easy and flavorful autumn dessert. You can substitute any fruit liqueur or sweet red wine for the port. Serve with whipped cream or ice...
One day I had an extreme craving for Chinese food, mainly chicken. So... I decided to create my own 'Sesame-Sweet-Spicy-Sour-Styled-Asian-Inspired' chicken,...
My grandmother's recipe for roasted chicken. We are German and she used to do it this way all the time. I never have had a chicken this juicy before; this...
This recipe makes three kinds of cookies which are defined in the recipe. You can twist the dough into a rope shape, cut out the rolled dough into shapes,...
Crisp on the outside, softer in the middle, and coated with creamy chocolate ganache. These French-influenced cookies have a meringue-and-confectioners'-sugar...
My mom made this while I was growing up, and now I love to cook it for my own family. It's a great dish and super easy to make. Great with some fresh flour...
Lebanese white coffee isn't coffee at all. It is hot water, rose water, and a touch of crystallized sugar. This is a beautiful after-meal drink for anyone...
Nothing is more stunning at the dinner table than serving a whole fried fish with a fragrant unctuous sauce. Caution should be used when deep frying the...
A simple, delicious pasta that my friend Cathi created while living in Florence. Flavors you wouldn't think to combine mix wonderfully. Don't use large,...
This is what you make when it's raining/snowing and you don't want to head to the dining hall or when you've got that little container of white rice leftover...